Things You Need To Know About Bikes and Their Benefits


Things You Need To Know About Bikes and Their Benefits

There’s no better way to live your life to the fullest and maintain good health than through exercise… regular exercise. Well, most of us understand this by now; that exercise comes with dozens of benefits to your mental, physical, emotional, and overall health. However, the magnitude of these benefits varies widely depending on the specific workout routine, strategy, equipment you use, as well as what you’re targeting to achieve. Moreover, other factors such as intensity, diet, and the environment may have a say in determining your results after a specific time period of exercising.

When it comes to exercise equipment, stationary bikes have been proven to provide numerous health benefits. Whether you’re on a weight loss regimen or you’re just looking to keep fit, there are many things that an exercise bike can do for you. Plus, you can have one in your home if you’re the kind of person who rarely gets enough time to spare for the gym. 

Without spilling the beans any further, here are some things to know about exercise bikes along with their benefits.

A Wide Variety of Bike Types to Choose From

If you’re new to working out with exercise bikes or you’re planning on getting one, it is important to note that there are many types of stationary bikes, each with a different configuration and their own set of benefits. For instance, some of the most common options include spin bikes, recumbent bikes, air bikes, desk bikes, and upright bikes. Also, Paul Bragg from My Mixify says that there are many brands out there on the market, each providing a variety of models for each type of stationary bike. The best exercise bike for you may be determined by a number of factors, including your workout needs, space, the features of the bike, and so forth. Experts suggest that when choosing an exercise bike, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  • Flywheel weight
  • Maximum user weight
  • Size
  • Seat adjustability
  • Resistance
  • Build
  • Handlebar adjustment
  • Price

In the end, the type and exercise bike model you choose may have a huge impact on your end results. This makes it important to do some research and read online reviews to get as much information as possible so you can make an informed decision.

You Can Have One in Your Home

As earlier iterated, some of us lead a busy life such that you don’t have enough time to get home, change into your workout outfit, and head to the gym. In other words, time is one of the major barriers to physical activity for many people. But this shouldn’t completely prevent you from getting your healthy dose of good exercise. If you have a spare room for exercise… good for you… but the good thing about stationary bikes is that compact options that can fit even in the tiniest of home spaces are available. Some even feature foldable and portable designs that allow you to work out even from your living room and store the equipment away when you’re done.

Exercise Bikes Come With Many Benefits

From cardio to fat burning and weight loss, an exercise bike provides a plethora of benefits to the user. Some common benefits you can get from owning or regularly using one include:

  • Improved cardio fitness:  

As a Cardiovascular or aerobic workout, cycling is one of the best ways to improve your heart function. Additionally, it also strengthens the blood-pump as well as the lungs and the muscles engaged in the activity. These workouts also improve blood circulation and enhance the distribution of oxygen throughout the various parts of the body. In turn, this may boost your health by improving your sleep, reducing stress, promoting mood, increasing energy levels, boosting your mental health, lowering blood pressure, improving blood sugar, and enhancing your immune system, just to mention a few health benefits.

  • Can help with weight loss:

A good dose of cycling regularly from a stationary bike will also go a long way in helping you shed off those extra calories and reduce weight. Depending on your workout intensity and how much you weigh, you can burn 500 or more calories an hour using an exercise bike. Especially if your outdoor activity is a bit limited by time and other facts, this means that a stationary bike can be a great way to lose weight.

  • Build strength:

An exercise bike can help tone up your lower body and increase strength in your legs. As you pedal, the calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and butt muscles are exercised and made stronger. The same action can also have a significant impact on your back, glutes, and core muscles. Bikes with handles can also help work out your shoulders, biceps, triceps, and other upper body muscles.

  • It’s safer and more comfortable than road cycling:

You might be aware of this already; stationary cycling doesn’t expose you to the various hazards involved in road cycling. You don’t have to worry about unfavorable or harsh weather, poor visibility, uneven roads, and inattentive drivers, all of which are situations that impede on your safety. When cycling outdoors, traffic congestion can also be a deterring factor, which can be avoided by cycling indoors from your exercise bike.

There are Different Fitness Levels

It is also worth noting that stationary bikes are meant for different types of users. If you’re a beginner, it is best for you to start with the beginner settings when it comes to speed and intensity. If you’re targeting weight loss, you could increase the speed settings gradually, based on your needs. Those seeking interval training will probably use a higher speed setting.  If you have a medical condition, you may want to first consult with your doctor for advice on the best exercise bike regimen for you.

In conclusion, an exercise bike is a huge investment, for both home workouts and gym operators. Stationary bikes provide many benefits and depending on the type, some are more beneficial than others. With the above few pointers, you will hopefully have an easier time deciding which exercise bike to go for. You’ll approach the shelves more confident of making an informed decision.

The post Things You Need To Know About Bikes and Their Benefits appeared first on Maxed Muscle.

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