Video: Massive Moose Chases Skiers Down Slopes


It’s prime skiing season in the U.S. and the conditions on mountains across the country are perfect for skiers to have some fun speeding down the slopes. But in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, humans aren’t the only things flying down the mountains. 

Local skier Kenny Rynearson shared a look into a recent harrowing experience with some unbelievable video. As he skied downhill he turned his camera around and filmed a juvenile-looking moose chasing him down the mountain. It’s not a quick interaction either; for nearly two minutes the animal was “cruising” downhill as skiers weaved around it to avoid a dangerous crash. He warned his friends behind him of the animal moving fast, and all the skiers in the vicinity were in disbelief at what was unfolding in front of them. 

“I did not have moose chasing us down the mountain on my bingo card,” Rynearson captioned the wild video. 

It’s far from the first time this phenomenon has been seen, however. Back in 2017, skiers in Breckenridge, Colorado had to speed out of a running moose’s path as it ran after them down the mountain. A similar incident happened in Winter Park, Colorado in 2011. And even as recently as last month, skiers and snowboarders at Winter Park Resort were once again confronted by a moose running down the mountain. 

If you find yourself in front of an aggressive moose, don’t panic. According to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, it’s best to stay calm and not run away, but simply talk at a normal volume to make your presence known and slowly back away from the animal. If it charges after you, hide behind something solid like a tree or try to seek shelter in a vehicle or building. And if it knocks you down, curl into a ball, protect your head, and lie still until it goes away. 

In a pinch, your skis or snowboard might be your best bet for a quick escape. 

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