The Full Moon in Cancer May Surface Whatever You’re Avoiding—Here’s What To Expect for Your Sign


The first full moon of 2022 takes place in the sign of Cancer at 6:47 p.m. EST on January 17. While Cancer is all about comfort and security, this full moon will have us reflecting deeper on any repressed issues that challenge our emotional safety. The full moon in Cancer will sit opposite the sun in Capricorn and Pluto in Capricorn—and Pluto’s influence, in particular, is what adds intensity to this lunation.

Pluto is the planet of death, power, control, obsession, and transformation; it unearths what we’ve hidden and avoided, while the sun and moon shine a brighter light on these issues at hand. In order to move forward, we must first confront buried pain and past trauma.

Full moons are reflective of culminations and endings, but this full moon in Cancer doesn’t mark your typical ending. We may feel like avoiding certain people or issues that surface during this time. Triggers are heightened and so are our emotions. Pluto’s energy can ignite deep and primal fears within us, but it’s by walking through the fire and facing these challenges that we will develop a level of resilience and power we couldn’t have even imagined.

This full moon in Cancer invites you to stand up for your needs, your comfort, and your security.

This full moon in Cancer invites you to stand up for your needs, your comfort, and your security. Who or what has been standing in the way of peace for you? Confrontations that arise during this time have likely been brewing for a long time. Mercury will also be retrograde in Aquarius during this full moon, inviting us to rehash issues from the past and release what’s necessary to move forward.

Given that Cancer’s ruling planet is the moon, our emotional well-being and safety are under the celestial microscope during the lunation. Reflecting deeper on your needs and desires and setting boundaries with others is critical to do at this time. Remember what you deserve and act in alignment and with purpose. To get a comprehensive understanding of the energy this full moon will activate within your birth chart and life, read on for your rising, sun and moon signs. Then, get a bespoke self-care practice for your sign to make the most of the Cancer full moon’s energy.

What the full moon in Cancer holds in store for your zodiac sign Aries

Your focus shifts to internal matters as the full moon in Cancer lights up your fourth house of home and family. There is a tug of war between your public and private lives, as you may have a massive project going on at work or be up for a promotion, all while juggling some serious family matters. Power struggles within family dynamics or at the office may appear and are not to be ignored. Calling out toxic behavior and patterns will bring you peace and relief.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Prioritizing your solitude is key. You have a right to privacy, and carving out time alone during this full moon in Cancer will be restorative.


It’s time to address the way you speak to yourself, Taurus. Words carry weight and a shift is required when it comes to your mental processing. What self-destructive things do you repeat to yourself in your head? Reconsidering how you think and speak to yourself will deliver breakthroughs. Your third house of communication and learning is highlighted under this full moon in Cancer, so re-learning to be gentle with yourself can lead to productive and healthier thought patterns.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Using your words and organizing your thoughts through journaling can bring relief during this time. Your mind is going a mile a minute, and the act of writing out (yes, pen and paper!) themes or issues that arise during this time will help deliver the clarity you seek.


Financial matters rear their head under this lunation, with missed bills or payments potentially causing issues. Spending time with your budget and sorting through any financial matters or tax issues is a wonderful use of the cosmic energy. If you can, make a big payment on any debts and readjust your relationship with money. Adopting an abundance practice will be powerful at this time.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Work on your worth. Practice positive affirmations in the mirror and state “I am abundant,” “I am worthy,” and “I am valued.” Your relationship with money starts within.


Relationships of all sorts are in the spotlight, including the one with yourself—so if you’ve been putting yourself last, it’s time to stop. Who deserves your time and energy? Are your relationships balanced, or are there unhealthy power dynamics at play? Confronting imbalance and toxic patterns within your closest ties will pave the way for a sustainable future.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Your physical body craves some rejuvenation. If you can, splurge on a massage or some reiki energy work. Your body seeks realignment in a physical sense as you release under this lunation.


Slowing down is your homework, Leo. This full moon activates your 12th house of rest, closure, and endings. Engaging in practices like meditation and journaling are wonderful ways to process some of the seeds your subconscious may unearth during this time. This full moon asks you to release self-defeating behaviors and negative thinking patterns. How have you been your own worst enemy? And how can you ensure that those patterns are left behind in the dust? It’s time to rest and release.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Carve out a daily meditation practice. If you can’t imagine spending an hour meditating, start small. Even five minutes a day meditating over a period of time will instill a much-needed sense of inner peace.


You may have a big social event or gathering coming up that’s been weighing heavily with pressure on your heart. Unresolved issues with friends or even your children can reach an apex. Consider how you can recalibrate and call in more balance. The foundations of your friendships will be tested and only the most genuine will be left standing. This may also trigger thoughts about your dreams and wishes for the future. Work through any fears and develop a plan of action that will lead you to your goals.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Seeking comfort from your closest confidants can bring relief and reprieve during this lunation. Friends are your family and your go-to sounding board. Tap into those you trust most for advice and to unwind.


It may feel as if your reputation is in question. As a natural charmer, this tension is more than unwanted, but necessary to realign. You may find yourself re-evaluating the image of yourself that you portray to others. Are you acting and seeking others’ approval or are you acting in accordance of the highest version of yourself? Tensions between your public and private life mount. Sorting through family issues will help you cultivate a more solid foundation to address questions about your legacy and how you want to be remembered.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Go through your closet. Sort through your junk drawer. Releasing old belongings can ignite an inner desire to embrace some necessary shadow work.


This full moon wants you to redefine your mental landscape as it activates your ninth house of higher learning, spirituality, and expansion. What thought patterns, opinions, or perspectives have you been holding onto too tightly? This full moon in Cancer reminds you that putting yourself in others’ shoes always brings insight. Taking the time to learn and absorb information will lead to mental breakthroughs. Traveling both mentally and, if possible, physically through meditation will also stir up epiphany moments.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Get lost in a book to give your mind something to feast on. Incorporating a daily reading practice at this time can help you recenter and recalibrate.


Deep-seated trauma may rise to the surface. We all have something we’ve been avoiding and, now, your eighth house of psyche, trauma, shared resources, taxes, death and more is activated. This is a complicated part of the chart that can speak to loss–emotional or physical. Perhaps you are dealing with an inheritance, the loss of a loved one, or trying to navigate merging resources with a partner. Confronting past pain and issues with therapy or some type of mental-health practice will bring you the relief you’ve been waiting for.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Sign up for therapy, or if that isn’t your thing, try biking, swimming, or some type of activity to channel your energy and repressed emotions in a heavy way. You’re overdue for a breakthrough.


All relationships are about give and take. This full moon highlights your seventh house of committed partnerships, which can speak to romantic partners, friendships, or relationships with family that can feel all-consuming. Are you addicted for the right reasons? Where have unhealthy power dynamics become the new norm? This lunation reminds you of your power and worth. You are deserving of having your needs met and re-establishing a healthy balance within your closest partnerships.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Seek a shift in perspective. If you always go to the same person for advice, it’s time to invite more people with wisdom into your inner circle. This is a wonderful time to seek a spiritual consultation or confide in another friend for another perspective.


Speeding through life has its consequences, and your work-life balance is up for review. What daily habits have you been afraid to change? Now is a potent and powerful time to kick a bad habit. It won’t be easy, but the reward is just around the corner, should you decide to put in some legwork.

Readjusting your daily routine will bring you a deeper sense of fulfillment. Instead of starting your day by scrolling on social media and comparing your life to others, embrace a healthier lifestyle and watch the magic unfold before your eyes.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Incorporating physical movement, stretching, walking, or light exercise in your daily routine will interrupt patterns and behaviors that you’re ready to move away from.


Spend time reigniting your childlike joy and wonder. This full moon in Cancer activates your fifth house of creativity, hobbies, play, fertility, sex and romance. A romantic situation may reach a climax, marking the opportunity to either make things official or move on.

You may also find yourself nearing the end of a project that involves your creative pursuits or interests. Investing in activities that light up your inner child will bring you back into alignment at this time. If you have children or are hoping to in the near future, this lunation also delivers a fertile energy, as well.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Embrace your inner child. What filled you up with light when you were young? Engaging in an old hobby or pastime that used to bring you joy can reignite your passions and encourage you to follow your heart.

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