Man Sues Women for $75 Million Over Insulting Comments in Facebook Dating Group


A Chicago man is suing over two dozen women for $75 million who called him “clingy” and a “ghoster,” among other things, in a “Are We Dating The Same Guy” Facebook group.

The private group is part of a network in which women can share dating experiences and warn about red flags they’ve encountered, with the goal to “protect, support, and empower other women.” Though the group started in New York City, there are now pages devoted to most metropolitan areas across the country.

Nikko D’Ambrosio, 32, was posted in the Chicago version of the group by a woman he briefly dated. In the legal complaint filed earlier this week, he said he had met the woman who posted about him at an event last year and they went on to have consensual sex the same night. Following the encounter he claims they went on a few “unremarkable” dates but were never exclusive.

D’Ambrosio alleges that the unnamed woman went on to post about him in the group, claiming that he got “very clingy very fast,” flaunted his money, and “kept talking about how I don’t want to see his bad side, especially when he was on business calls.” The post then prompted dozens of other women to chime in describing allegedly similar encounters. After his lawyers contacted the woman who created the post last month, she initially deleted it but then re-posted anonymously.

He’s now asking for a judge to award him $75 million in damages, claiming that he’s been the victim of “defamation, doxxing, and privacy invasion.” The lawsuit names 27 women including the OP, moderators of the group, a number of Jane Does, and parts of Meta, Facebook’s parent company.

“The defendants broadcast their outrageous, cruel, and malicious lies about the plaintiff with knowledge that the statements were false or with reckless disregard as whether or not they were true,” the complaint states, according to the New York Post. “[Their] wrongful conduct is so outrageous in character and so extreme in degree that it is beyond all possible bounds of decency and is to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.”

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