Humanity Under Attack in NZ: A Conversation With Dr. Garcia


This story is about the situation in New Zealand and about Dr. Emanuel Garcia, a courageous doctor in New Zealand who has been very outspoken about the wrongs of the COVID “health response.”

Early on, Dr. Garcia became courageously outspoken about the need to question the official COVID narrative, about early treatments, and about the safety issues associated with COVID injections. As a result of his opposition to the mandates, Dr. Garcia’s medical license was suspended.

Dr. Emanuel Garcia is a psychiatrist and also an accomplished writer. He received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1986. He’s had a long and successful career in psychiatry and psychoanalysis in the U.S. — and then in 2006, he immigrated to New Zealand where he practiced medicine until it became impossible to do so without getting the jab.

I had the joy of interviewing Dr. Garcia for my podcast, Make Language Great Again, and I am very happy to share the interview with him.

During our conversation, Dr. Garcia and I talked about his long career, the current dangerous state of medicine, the abusive nature of the current “health response,” and the need to remain both brave and creative during these challenging times. I am including the full transcript of the interview at the end of the article.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

Dr. Garcia is a member of an organization called “New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science” (NZDSOS). Here is an excellent video of their press conference that took place in November 2021:

“It’s Time to Speak Against the Deprivation of Our Human Rights and Liberties”

Most recently, members of NZDSOS, including Dr. Garcia, have been in the trenches during the peaceful and festive gathering in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. In the spirit of freedom and dignity, many people have come together in front of the Parliament to express their opposition to mandates.

The protest at the steps of the Parliament has now been going on for almost two weeks (at the time of writing this article). There has been one ugly clash with police but the outrage over police brutality across the country was so tremendous that the police was forced to change their attitude. No one can say what the future holds (there are rumors of a police buildup) but the people’s spirits are high!

Here is a glimpse of what’s going on in New Zealand right now, including a segment of Dr. Garcia’s talk.

“Life and Liberty Over Fear, Control, Segregation and Slavery”

In December 2021, Dr. Garcia’s delivered a passionate talk that was published on Transcend Media Service. I am sharing his entire talk as it is both eloquent and poignant.

It has been approximately two years since the virus that changed our world so suddenly and completely made its appearance in a far-away place in China. We were told that it jumped from a bat — cooked or uncooked, I couldn’t say — and we were soon thereafter shown pictures of soldiers hosing down the streets of Wuhan with disinfectant chemicals, and locking people up in their apartments.

We have been made to believe that this pathogen was so deadly that billions of people needed to be locked away for long periods of time around the world, prevented from travel, pleasure and association.

We were and have been daily assailed by numbers — the numbers of those ‘testing positive’ for COVID, the number of those dying from — or with? — COVID, day after day, over and over and over. Numbers, numbers, numbers, however dubious, numbers that kept marching on thanks to the mouthpieces of our ‘trusted’ Media.

Medical emergencies were declared worldwide but, strangely enough, these medical emergencies did NOT instigate a magnificent and powerful joining of forces to find a cure for this terrible infection, they did not result in concerted attempts to treat those who had fallen ill in order to prevent hospitalisation and death — no.

In fact, governments around the world, including ours here in New Zealand, have actively worked against attempts by physicians to do what they were trained to do and what they swore oaths to do.

Instead, world governments flexed their muscles to create unparalleled fear, to restrict, curtail and impinge upon human liberties and autonomy, to prevent us from associating freely with each other, and to convince us that the ONLY WAY to return to a normal which would never again be normal was to accept inoculations which they call vaccines but which neither prevent transmission nor infection of the virus they are supposed to be protecting us against.

At the same time the specific ingredients of these so-called vaccines are shrouded in secrecy, as are the business agreements made between the jab-makers and the governments who roll the jabs out and push relentlessly for nearly EVERYBODY to be jabbed, regardless of risk or age.

Here in New Zealand, as in many other places around the world, the jab is now being urged for our youth, those least likely to be adversely affected by COVID, despite the fact that NO long-term studies of safety and efficacy have been conducted — they can’t have been conducted because such studies take time, the time of many years.

Furthermore, as a result of our government’s recent dictate to mandate the jab for ‘frontline workers’, teachers, midwives, nurses and doctors and many other health practitioners who, despite their commitment, dedication, experience and expertise in their roles, have lost their valuable jobs.

In essence they made us an offer we couldn’t refuse, but guess what: many of us have refused, notwithstanding the consequences of losing our livelihoods, our careers, our incomes and the pleasures we had in serving the public. And many many others were simply coerced under duress to do something they knew in their hearts and souls they never wanted to do, under pain of economic devastation.

And what do we have now in our beloved Aotearoa? A never ending atmosphere of fear, the never ending threat that the liberties not yet impinged upon by our government can at any moment be extirpated. We are told to wear masks, we are told to keep our distance from each other, we are made to feel that we human beings are dangerous to one another.

We are now, sorrowfully enough, told that those who have exercised their right NOT to take into their sacred bodies a biological agent they have grave doubts about are somehow ‘unclean’ and should be discriminated against, should be segregated, and according to some of those in government, should actually be punished for daring to believe that they have a right to refuse a medical intervention — a right that has been specified in the Nuremberg Code and in the New Zealand Bill of Rights.

The unjabbed cannot now go to a movie or a play or a hairdresser or a rugby match or a restaurant or a cafe — all ostensibly in the service of ‘health’.

When has a healthy person ever been considered a danger before? What do those who are already jabbed have to fear from those who are not? Does any of this make any rational sense?

I ask you, is this the society we all wish to live in, is this the kind of life we wish to have for ourselves — a life controlled by governmental authority that has had the moronic audacity to declare itself a ‘single source of truth’, a life that will be governed by fear, anxiety, loss of liberty, freedom and essential human pleasure, a life where any debate about any aspects of health is ruthlessly suppressed?

Doctors who have questioned the rationale of COVID policies, who have questioned the wisdom of locking people down, who have questioned the safety of the inoculations, who have dared to promote natural immunity, who have begged for early treatments which are available and effective, who have suffered to learn of and have called attention to the many adverse effects and deaths reported in those who have been inoculated — these doctors are under ‘investigation’ by their Councils and have had licences suspended.

I am one such doctor. Thankfully I have taken steps to dissociate myself completely from the medical establishment, after having served for nearly sixteen years in the public health sector as a psychiatrist here in New Zealand and in the fifteen years before I emigrated to Aotearoa, as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in the United States of America.

However, despite all of the gathered and vicious opposition, there are many people who have worked heroically to encourage prevention, to establish early treatment protocols, to analyse the consequences of coercive measures, and to look with real science at the virus and the hastily developed ‘vaccines’.

There are many people who celebrate their humanity by refusing to be duped by the dance of absurdities — mask at the counter, mask off at the table, mask outdoors while riding a bike, one meter, two meters, one and a half meters, mask under the nose is okay, a healthy person is really sick or potentially sick, vaccines really don’t have to prevent you from getting the bug, natural immunity won’t work — and on and on and on.

It’s really ALL in the absurdities, isn’t it, because once they can get us to believe their patent absurdities, they can get us to do anything — like participating in apartheid under the guise of ‘health and safety’.

In the true spirit of science and human morality we should be asking questions, questions about everything. And the question above all we must ask ourselves is whether we value life and liberty over fear, control, segregation and slavery.

And finally, here is the full transcript of my interview with the brave Dr. Garcia.

Full Transcript of My Interview With Dr. Garcia on “Make Language Great Again”

Tessa Lena:

Hello, and welcome to “Make Language Great Again.” Today it is my great honor and joy to talk to Dr. Emanuel Garcia, who is an amazing human being and my hero, because we need brave doctors like that. So, Emanuel Garcia is a psychiatrist, he got his medical degree from University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1986, and he has been practicing in New Zealand. Thank you for doing this conversation. So if you want to say a few words about yourself …

Dr. Garcia:

Yeah, well, thank you very much. I really have been following your writings, and I really enjoy them. I think they’re really actually superb. And I want to congratulate you on what you are doing. And you’re … the articulation that you have the ability to really express things in a very, I think, very powerful and very, very compelling and solid way, is quite wonderful. So keep that up. It’s really great. You go I’m sure you have a lot of admirers now, with your writings.

Tessa Lena:

Well, thank you.

Dr. Garcia:

Yeah, so about me … I graduated from Penn in 1986. And then I became a psychiatrist and trained in Philadelphia, and also became a psychoanalyst. And I practiced there as a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and psychotherapist from 1990 until 2006, when I immigrated to New Zealand, or I became basically a public health psychiatrist.

So I was doing very different work in the States, mainly I was doing, you know, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy. They were … that was my primary practice, basically: intensive psychotherapy … you know, psychoanalysis is a very engaging, long, engaging procedure, and what not.

And … and a little bit of … a little bit of public health, just towards the end of that stay. But what I also did during that time, for just over eight years, I was a consultant to a Conservatory of Music, the Curtis Institute of Music, which is like, if you know about Juilliard, it’s a Philadelphia, sort of Juilliard. It’s a bit smaller than Juilliard, very well known. Tremendous number of world class musicians have emerged from that school and have taught there, etc. It’s a great, great place.

And I was a psychiatric consultant for about eight years. And as a result, I got to really enjoy my work with highly accomplished creative people, and also to do things like start health education programs, and help with performance enhancement and what not.

So I’ve been in I had a great interest in music and some of my writings have dealt with the psychology of certain musicians like Rachmaninoff and Skryabin, and Bruno Vaulter at Gustav Mahler. For example, Gustav Mahler, who met with Freud for a very famous conversation in Leiden.

And I wrote some papers about these people. And as again, as an offshoot I … I developed a sort of a technique of very, super slow super self-practicing … to help with string players and to help their technical abilities. So that’s sort of a nutshell of some of my interests and whatnot.

Tessa Lena:

That is quite amazing. And then 2020 happened?

Dr. Garcia:

Well, I’m doing … I’m here in New Zealand, practicing basic, very public health psychiatry, you know, which is general psychiatry, in a public health system. And, and it’s, it’s hard work, it’s very hard work, you have a lot of patients, the patients are in great duress.

The health system here, you know, like every health system, with mental health is struggling, struggling to fill gaps with nurses and other allied health practitioners and psychiatrists. But it was it’s very, very hard work. But I enjoyed the work, I think it was able to help a lot of people.

2020 happened, and it happened all across the world. And I would say that immediately, I began to detect … something was rotten in the state of Denmark. Nothing seemed to add up from the very, very beginning … from those images of the Chinese soldiers hosing the streets down in Wuhan with chlorine or whatever they were using, barricading people in their apartments, the story of the bat …

And then the issue about cases being confounded with people testing positive for something that, still as far as I know, is really not really been isolated the way they … the way they get the sequences of these called viruses is … it’s a very complex process. And I don’t know enough because I am not a virologist or an immunologist, to know all the details … but other people have looked into it.

As far as I know, the the … the virus or whatever, the virus that it’s going around, it’s not been purely isolated and what not. But let’s leave that aside.

2020 came and, as you know, the world the reaction of the world was really, it was almost in unison, like the conductor just said, “Okay, let’s go down to pianissimo,” and everything shut down. And it was absolutely amazing how, basically the entire world worked in concert, to, from their perspective, contain this deadliest pathogen in human history.

From perspective of … from my perspective, I think the policies were strange, they were contradictory. They were certainly incurred. They were incursions into the liberties of individuals. I think there’s no question about that.

The first time in history. When do you … when do you quarantine or lock down — and “lockdown” is a prison phrase, remember — the only time I’ve ever heard “lockdown” is a prison, basically, okay? When you lock down healthy people, and … and you look around other parts of the world, lockdowns were going on for a very, very, very long time … masks were imposed.

And there’s a whole issue about mask wearing and the efficacy of masks and … I, you know, I would encourage all of your listeners to look up and find data about whether masks actually prevent the transmission or infection of respiratory coronaviruses … social circle … social distancing … it’s interesting … it’s not social at all! It’s anti-social to distance people.

So “social distancing” came into play, restrictions came into play. And again, I would encourage your listeners to look up what is the science behind the two-meter rule, the two yard-rule, the one-yard rule, and a half-yard rule.

It’s a panoply of absurdities in a way, and my … my initial … my initial feelings as a thinking person would be, well, you know, you want to get a bid on whatever’s out there … you want to … you want to do things safely, etc., etc. … Perhaps shut … in New Zealand, they shut off the borders, which is why there were so few cases initially.

But after that, the goal here, the stated goal here was they were going to eliminate the Coronavirus altogether, that was their goal. I knew from the from the beginning that was a quixotic goal, we would not be able to eliminate a Corona respiratory virus, have to 1/3 of the common cold is a Corona respiratory virus, it’s going to travel around.

So what you should do, I think, my thought was, as a common sense approach, that … protect those who are vulnerable, like those with medical conditions or older, just like, they might be hit by the flu, you want to protect them from things, help them in whatever way you can, and basically aim for a natural immunity to develop.

And that has not been the approach they’ve taken here. They’ve taken a very interesting and … I think, quite draconian and dictatorial or totalitarian approach. So we find ourselves here under a now a traffic light system, which imposes a lot of restrictions — and most alarmingly, I think — and this will tie into other things that are going on around the world — they’ve created a jab apartheid system!

So that right now where I live, the unvaccinated are not allowed to go to cinemas, cafes, restaurants, sporting events, barbers, hair stylists. It’s, it’s, it’s unbelievable.

Okay, because the idea is that those who are not jabbed, and that is the … those who have decided not to take an agent that … for which there are no long term data, whose ingredients still remain shrouded in a great deal of mystery … and I think you’ve seen recently that now Pfizer’s — or FDA’s — petition not to release the Pfizer documentation, and then the Pfizer thing here until, like, for 75 years.

Tessa Lena:

Yep, that’s the latest.

Dr. Garcia:

And so … so my question has always been, we should … we should have informed consent, we should know what’s in this thing, what it’s supposed to do, what it’s not supposed to do. People … many people think, oh, it’s just like the measles vaccine you get, you don’t get the measles again, everything’s great. Well, that’s not really true.

We know about the mRNA … mRNA technology … we know that neither it prevents transmission nor infection.

We know about the … spike proteins that are manufactured … we know that they go everywhere in the body, I think at this point … and I believe that people have a right to bodily autonomy! I think this is in the Nuremberg Code. It’s in New Zealand Bill of Rights. It’s in every human rights document around the world.

And yet, we see governments around the world, Austria, unbelievably so, in Germany, where they had troubles in the 30s, that were very similar to … discriminating against people and segregating them … and now even here, telling us that we’re really, we’re really the unclean, we’re dangerous!

And I’ll give you an example. I do some theater work, directing and acting and what not. And my local community theater group has informed me that if … if an unvaccinated … and I am unvaccinated … I don’t even like this term, an unjabbed person is not allowed to participate in rehearsals, productions, cannot even go to one of the presentations, one of the productions.

And … and I asked, why … how … I asked the question, by the way, how is a healthy person a danger? Tell me how a healthy person poses a danger to someone else? And no one can answer that question. They keep telling me, oh, it’s just about safety, safety. What’s unsafe about a healthy person, and especially about healthy persons in among the jabbed who are ostensibly protected? What do they have to fear? What are they worried about?

The pressure to get a jab is intense here, they’re trying to jab kids, young kids. I know two teenagers, for example, who, wisely, in my opinion, don’t want anything to do with this thing. And they are in the lowest risk group imaginable. Right? They don’t even get sick if they get the bug. And they are now barred from sporting competitions for which they’ve trained for many years. And they’re barred from socializing with their peers.

I mean, this is … what kind of society are we creating when we do this? This is atrocious. This is … I think it’s evil. Honestly, I think it’s absolutely evil.

And on top of all of that, those doctors like myself, who have tried to establish a dialogue and who have raised questions about these things, and who wanted to debate these things, really, you know, all these issues with … with science … and science is not by the way … science, there’s never one science, there’s no “the science” … science is a fluid enterprise, it’s always about knowing, adding, changing, revising, debating, etc.

Virtually any doctor was spoken out now is has been basically attacked by the Medical Council. I’ve had my license suspended. I’ve lost my position, because I … in part, because I did not … was not going to go along with the mandate that all healthcare practitioners get jabbed. I couldn’t abide that. And I took that opportunity to resign my position and retire from my work after 16, almost 16 years, with a very high caseload, by the way.

And furthermore, because I was accused in having discussions like I’m having with, you know, discussions about the jab, about health policy, about natural immunity … that’s a bad word nowadays! Do you know that “natural immunity” … you can’t say “natural immunity,” that’s considered misinformation. So you know, it’s absolutely insane!

So anyway … so I’ve had my license suspended by the Medical Council. I’ve said, I’ve severed my ties with them via common law as of very recently anyway, and whatever they’re going to do, they’re going to do, but I want to get out of it.

And I’m actually glad I’m out of that corrupt sick organization and … and the medical establishment generally, because I am really, I’m very disappointed at my colleagues … at my colleagues, doctors around the country, around the world, many doctors who know better, have sat back and said nothing.

And they’ve watched this tremendous cavalcade of adverse of adverse events and deaths..

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