How to Feel Sassy & Look Sexy This Valentine’s Day – Total Gym Pilates Series part 3



Happy Valentine’s Day, Total Gym Lovers and Pilates enthusiasts!

Welcome to the final part of our Valentine’s series that incorporates Pilates movements on your Total Gym. This final workout focuses on dynamic flexibility exercises that help improve your range of motion and flexibility. By performing dynamic flexibility movements, you’ll be able to lengthen and strengthen your muscles into one sassy, sexy, and flexy machine!


Dynamic flexibility is the ability to actively move through a full range of motion with control and ease. Flexibility not only benefits your overall health, but it also contributes to your physical appearance. Dynamic flexibility exercises can also help improve your posture, reduce your risk of injury, and make everyday tasks easier.

Pilates workouts complement other strength workouts and help to balance out your overall fitness routine. By incorporating dynamic flexibility into the mix, it will help you develop strength and balance from the inside out. Now that’s sexy!


Love is in the air with this 3-part Valentine’s series. It’s designed to strengthen, lengthen and tone your body through sassy cardio, sexy strength, and flashy flexibility workouts. The routines are effective, time efficient, and suitable for all fitness levels. It’s a fun way to spice up your workouts to feel sexy this Valentine’s Day.

The 3 part series contains the following workouts:

PART 1: CARDIO STRENGTH: 6 Sassy & Sweaty Moves

PART 2: STRENGTH: 6 Sexy Strength Moves

PART 3: FLEXIBILITY: 4 Flashy Flexibility Moves

You now have 3 different sassy, sexy, and flashy Pilates inspired routines. They can be performed as stand alone workouts, combined together as one big routine, or performed as an add-on to other workouts you perform. The choice is yours.

If you’re just learning about this series now, be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2 to obtain the full program details:

Now let’s get our muscles feeling flashy with this dynamic flexibility routine!



The final workout of the series contains 4 dynamic flexibility exercises that help lengthen and tone lean muscles. This flexibility routine is perfect for all fitness levels to get flashy and flexy muscles and ultimately feel sexy 😉

Goal: Strengthen, lengthen, tone, and define your muscles with a spicy Pilates workout series.

Feel the Love: Part 3 of the series focuses on increasing range of motion and developing muscular length through a sequence of dynamic stretches your muscles will love.


• Perform the following stretches dynamically in a continual sequence.

• Move slowly with control and utilize your breath throughout each stretch. Inhale to prepare, exhale to move through the stretch.

• Perform the stretches for 3-5xs on each side.

• Feel free to hold the stretches at any angle that may need some extra love to release muscular tightness.

• Adjust the incline to accommodate your flexibility level. (Higher level if lacking flexibility, lower level if wanting a flexibility challenge.)

• Repeat the stretches often to get the best results.

Set Up: No Accessories / Low-Medium Level

1. Runners Lunge – Quad Stretch

2. Pigeon – Twist

3. Body Rolls

4. Wild Thing

*Be sure to check out the video to see how these dynamic flexibility stretches are performed on your Total Gym.

Congratulations on completing the series, you’re ready to impress your Valentine with your new found fitness routine and feel good in your own skin. Happy Valentine’s Day!

From my heart to yours,


The post How to Feel Sassy & Look Sexy This Valentine’s Day – Total Gym Pilates Series part 3 appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

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