Gluten Free Carrot Cake Vegan Cheesecake

This rich, creamy, paleo and vegan cheesecake tastes like gluten free carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy!
Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit

 Holy creamy! Holy crunchy-crust! Holy spicy-sweet and…VEGGIE PACKED?! WHAT. THE. WHAT?!

You guys. After countless tries, and an insane amount of effort, I have FINALLY created THE most taste-buds-falling-off-face, velvety smooth, SUPER rich and creamy gluten free cheesecake. Liiike, without the cream cheese.

Or the eggs.

Or any of the dairy/grain/gluten/ANYTHING UNHEALTHY EVER that is in a cheesecake. I mean, we’re talking VEGETABLES in cheesecake for cryingoutloud. Healthy dessert game STRONG.


Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit

 That was awkward wasn’t it?

Really though. It’s not even one of those kinds of “vegan cheesecakes” (I’m looking at your coconut raw cheesecakes) that is really just frozen coconut cream and is not creamy and cheesecake like AT ALL.

This is the REAL DEAL.

It’s one of those recipes that I actually created for the delicious-nutritious-dessert loving peeps that I know you are a while ago, and my finger has been hovering over “publish post” for like ALL THE TIME since then. But, I had to resiiiiiiist until the OPTIMAL (closer to Easter) time ya know? These are the struggles of a food blogger. Always wanting to post healthy Easter desserts way before Easter!

I didn’t know if I should publish THIS or the gluten free vegan carrot cake blondies first.

But, this came last. BECAUSE BEST FOR LAST RIGHT?

[Tweet “This #Vegan + #Paleo Carrot Cake Cheesecake is a healthy treat for #Easter! @udisglutenfree”]

Additionally. Carrots. In a cheesecake. Just wanted to remind you of the potential for your brain to equate eating a slice of this vegan cheesecake to eating some sort of kale salad recipe. My brain allllllready went there. NO SHAME.

Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit

Now that we’ve got all the preamble (fancy word!) out of the way let me introduce you to your newest BFF that you’ve actually already met about 800 billion times in some paleo magic cookie bars, paleo lemon bars, healthy pumpkin cheesecake bars AND paleo pecan pie bars. Peeps, this STUPID-EASY, minimal ingredient crust is basically the savoir of all things that, ummm, need a crust (Hi captain obvious!) It pretty much is foolproof and just works always. Like, sometimes I think I should switch it up a little, so I try something new. Which ends in me crying in a corner with my face hovering over a skillet of hazelnut paleo brownies.


Which is why it’s always poppin’ its perfectly crunchy, sweet and coconut-y little self around these parts the interwebz. You get it.

Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit

The cheesecake-y part is this magical combination of thick, dreamy cashew cream, a tasty drizzle of creamy coconut oil, a few generous pinches of nutmeg and cinnamon and caramely-sweet coconut sugar that is basically the definition of EVERYTHING in my life right now.

Oh…and CARROT BABY FOOD. And, now you’re grossed out forever.

Don’t be. SRSLY guys. You can’t have carrot cake without carrots so OBVI the inclusion of carrots in this vegan cheesecake is a given. Plus, remember the paleo breakfast cookies with kale AND superfood paleo brownies? I am all about a little STEALTH MODE dessert-veggie action.

Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit

Mostly because my brain is able to justify the amount that I eat in one sitting that way. Don’t look at me like you don’t UNDERSTAND ME. You’ve been there. Yes, I’m looking at YOU.

Mmkay. 2 out of 3 layers DISCUSSED. Butbutbut, there is this optional, but actually not REALLY optional layer of coconut whipped cream that I am going to suggest that you add, but really I am TELLING you to add it because:

Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit
  1. Its coconut whipped cream. That is just something that should never be questioned in life, no matter the circumstances.
  2. If you are one of those odd people that I may have to unfriend after this for the coconut questioning shenanigans going on in your brain (jokes! I <3 you) then do it for the PRETTY.

A smooth, creamy layer of pale(o) (<— see what I did there?) white, coconut cream on top of that vibrant, orange, carrot-packed, spicy-sweet cheesecake is 110% your newest most favorite way to eat a salad ever.

Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit

Now, go make me RLY RLY happy for you, and put this inside your face sometime soon mmkay?

Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit


Gluten Free Carrot Cake Vegan Cheesecake {Paleo}

This rich, creamy, paleo and vegan cheesecake tastes like gluten free carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy!

NOTES: Please read recipe carefully as certain parts need to be prepared in advance, and cooled overnight.

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 53 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 8 minutes
Servings 12
Author FoodFaithFitness


For the cheesecake:

  • 3 Tbsp Flax meal
  • 7 1/2 Tbsp Warm water
  • 2 1/2 Cups Roasted cashews covered in water and soaked overnight (340g)
  • 1 1/4 Cups Carrot baby food
  • 1/2 Cup + 2 Tbsp Coconut sugar
  • 5 Tbsp Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 5 Tbsp Agave honey for Paleo
  • 2 1/2 Tbsp Coconut oil melted
  • 1 3/4 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 1/4 tsp Ground nutmeg
  • 1 1/4 tsp Raw vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt

For the crust:

For garnish:

  • 1/3 Cup Pecans chopped (40g)
  • Whipped coconut cream for topping (optional)


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the 3 Tbsp of flax meal and 7 1/2 Tbsp of warm water and place into the refrigerator to gel while you make the cheesecake.
  • Place the soaked cashews into a high-powered blender (make sure you drained the water into the sink first!) along with all of the other ingredients for the cheesecake. Puree until thick, smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides as necessary. Set aside while you make the crust. Note: you want to be able to pour the cheesecake onto the crust as SOON as it’s out of the oven, which is why it’s best to prepare it first.
  • In a large bowl, beat together the coconut oil and agave for the crust, until smooth. Stir in the coconut flour and a pinch of salt until well mixed. Your dough will be quite wet.
  • Press the dough evenly into the bottom of a 9 inch Spring form pan. Since the dough is quite wet it might take a little bit of time, so just be patient.
  • Bake until the edges of the crust are lightly golden brown, about 7-8 minutes.
  • When the crust has about 2 minutes left to bake, transfer the cashew mixture into a large bowl and pour in the flax eggs from the refrigerator. You want to leave them into the refrigerator as long as possible, so they can really gel up. Stir until the flax is evenly mixed into the cashew cream.
  • Remove the crust from the oven. Your crust with most likely have risen in a few spots. Just use a small spoon to pack it back down flat. Pour the cheesecake mixture over top and smooth out evenly. If you are not going to use coconut cream on the cheesecake, then sprinkle the chopped pecans around the perimeter of the cheesecake at this point.
  • Bake until the cheesecake has risen and the outside appears set and firm, but just a small circle in the center still appears slightly jiggly, about 45 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool completely on the counter. Then, cover and refrigerate overnight to completely set,
  • OPTIONAL: once refrigerated, remove from the pan and spread whipped coconut cream on top, and then sprinkle on the pecans if you haven’t already. Place into the freezer for 20 minutes to set the cream.
  • DEVOUR.***


I’ve made this crust with different brands of coconut flour and, to get 66g, some brands need less than 3/4 cup. So, I STRONGLY urge you to weight your flour to make sure you get perfect results.
*I buy my cashews pre-roasted. If you’re aren’t, stick them in a 400 degree oven for just a few minutes, until lightly golden brown.
***It can be a little difficult to get the first piece of cheesecake out. Just make sure your getting your knife under the crust, not between the crust and cheesecake. An offset spatula really does the trick for serving here!


Learn more about living gluten free! Visit 

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Udi’s Gluten Free. The opinions and text are all mine.


Keep in touch with Udi’s Gluten Free on social media for more delicious ideas: Facebook / Twitter /Instagram/Pinterest

Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit

Weight Watchers Points Per Serving: SmartPoints: 17 Points+: 11. Old Points: 9

(per 1/12 of the cheesecake with no coconut cream)



Want more healthier carrot cake ideas?

FS carrot cake donuts-1

Paleo Gluten Free Carrot Cake Baked Donuts


Gluten Free Carrot Cake Cupcakes


Mini Gluten Free Carrot Cakes

Gluten Free Paleo And Vegan Carrot Cake Cheesecake - This super easy, rich, creamy, paleo and vegan friendly cheesecake tastes like carrot cake but is secretly dairy, gluten, egg and refined sugar free and healthy! Perfect for Easter! | | @FoodFaithFit


This post may contain affiliate links, but I only recommend products that I actually use and <3. Thanks for supporting FFF! 

The post Gluten Free Carrot Cake Vegan Cheesecake appeared first on Food Faith Fitness.

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