Femuscleblog Vk Page Has Reached 1,010 Members


Femuscleblog VK

Vkontake is a Russian social media platform. It was launched in 2006 and is based in Saint Petersburg. Femuscleblog has a page there with members. Now the membership has reached 1,010. More material is posted there, which does not appear on the main site. From VK more statistics are revealed about who consumes and likes the image of female physical power and athleticism . Males constitute the highest demographic. Women do visit the page, but their numbers are much lower. Multiple reasons exist for that fact. It could be related to the fact women may seek inspiration. Female sports fans also like to see more coverage. There might be women attracted to strong women. The reason for the success of this blog and its social media presence could be that women just do not get enough coverage in sports related media. Failure to do this means a loss business opportunity. The reason why Femuscleblog is not on Facebook is related to certain polices. An attempt has been made to establish a page, but was subject to being marked as spam. This does not mean Femuscleblog will not come to Facebook in the future. VK is what the platform used to be. A free and open place with limited censorship. Hopefully, the United States will not attempt to ban the platform, due to tensions with the Russian Federation. Ukraine has prohibited the platform. If the worst happens, Femuscleblog will continue to operate despite the global crackdown on internet freedom. If you are not on VK, get on and follow Femuscleblog there.

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