Epitalon review



Who doesn’t want to live forever?

Every one of us wants to have a longer life span, and we all wish to delay the onset of our aging process.

Perhaps we want to live a life that is not only completely stress-free throughout the day but also brimmed with a state of deep rest/sleep at night.

Well, all of this may sound imaginary and fluff, but thanks to scientific research and innovation in the field of peptides. With the precise combination of ingredients, Epitalon peptide has been developed or what we famously call “Fountain of Youth”.

This peptide works to improve your cell health and possesses anti-aging effects. This article is an Epithalon review, its prospective benefits, the right dosage, and cycling guidelines as well as any adverse effects that it may trigger.

So, let’s get straight into it!

What is Epitalon?

Epitalon, also commonly known as Epithalon peptide or Epithalone is a synthetic tetrapeptide with four amino acids in its structure. The amino acid sequence of Epitalon is Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly with a molecular formula C14H22N4O9 (1).

Epitalon is a derivative of Epithalamin or Epithalamine which is a polypeptide naturally released from the pineal gland. For those of you who haven’t heard about the pineal gland, it is a small pea-shaped gland located deep in the brain. It is also referred to as the “third eye” (2).

This synthetic peptide was originally discovered by Russian scientist Vladimir Khavinson. Since then most of the clinical studies centered around Epitalon were carried out in St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology.

Because of the potential benefits of peptide Epitalon, it has been included in the modern age peptide therapy.

How Does Epitalon Work?

DNA, also known as deoxyribonucleic acid is a double-stranded molecule, and one of the critical components of our genetic makeup. It lies in the nucleus of the cell and replicates itself whenever the cell undergoes cell division (3).

DNA molecules are made up of multiple chromosomes which carry invaluable information in our body. The tips of DNA strands are covered with Telomeres (4), a repetitive sequence of nucleotide bases whose critical function is to protect the DNA, and prevent any loss of genetic information while a cell undergoes cell division.

A natural enzyme called telomerase helps cells reproduce telomeres. Significantly increased telomere lengths as a result of telomerase activity ensure better cell health, and keep the genetic information intact.

Now one can understand why the aging process is triggered. This is because the telomerase production significantly falls with time. Thus, one experiences the aging process and other age-related diseases.

I am sure by this time you must have started to get an idea about how Epitalon would help you!

Epitalon is a synthetic telomerase activator enzyme that upregulates the synthesis of telomerase enzyme by the pineal gland (5). Thus, telomeres at the end of chromosomes are renewed and more telomeres are available at the tips of DNA strands even after a cell divides repeatedly.

Besides, Epitalon treatment also stimulates melatonin production as well as regulates its secretion. This helps in the restoration of normal circadian rhythm as melatonin secretion is a critical chemical that balances the sleep/wake cycle (6).

Some human clinical studies also suggest that this synthetic pineal peptide Epitalon also modulates the blood levels of gonadotropins.

Where Can I Buy Epitalon?

Because Epitalon is in demand, you will see a lot of vendors claiming to sell the best versions of the peptide. It is important to know the best places to purchase the premium quality Epitalon to experience optimal benefits.

#1 Most Trusted Supplier

Epitalon by Pure Rawz

Pure Rawz offers 3 different variants of Epitalon which are 10mg, 50mg, and 100mg. With so many positive customer reviews, Pure Rawz offers the peptide as a research chemical for laboratory use only.

Pure Rawz offers the quality Epitalon with the certificate of analysis given on their website. This ensures 100% complete customer satisfaction with the product.

With secure payment options and an extremely easy checkout method, I would vouch for Epitalon peptide by Pure Rawz for sure!

Get 15% off with code: PureBrawn

Read full Pure Rawz here


  • 3 different dosage variants are available
  • Competitive price range 
  • Easy checkout process


  • No stacked product available
  • Only for laboratory purchases

#2 Most Trusted Supplier

Epitalon by Paradigm Peptides

Paradigm peptides offer 50mg of powdered Epitalon in a glass vial. While Epitalon available at Paradigm peptides is only available for laboratory use, the shelf life of the product is 2 years.

Customer satisfaction can be reflected by the fact that there are so many positive reviews on the website.
With 99% purity guaranteed, make your purchase from Paradigm peptides now!


  • 99% pure Epitalon powder available 
  • Longer shelf life of the product


  • Relatively expensive 
  • Only 50mg variant available

Benefits of Epitalon

Considering the mechanism of action of Epitalon, one of the exclusive use of Epitalon is to ensure better cell health by lengthening the telomeres. This eventually ensues in delaying the onset of the aging process, and also increases the life expectancy of an individual.

In one of the clinical trials, aging rats demonstrated extension in their aging process. This significantly confirms the findings of human clinical trials (7).

Human clinical studies conducted in the past also show that Epitalon treatment significantly reduced the risk of developing age-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart disease, etc.

Perhaps Epitalon’s antioxidant effects have been a strong area of research in modern clinical trials, and results suggest that Epitalon destroys free radicals and inhibits lipid oxidation, thus protecting against oxidative stress. Epitalon produces antioxidant effects in the body by activating antioxidant enzymes, such as glutathione peroxidase.

This can indirectly also suppress cancer growth by destroying cancer cells in you and potentially curing you. This may also mitigate any risks of developing spontaneous tumors as well.

Research suggests that Epitalon regulates the functioning of T cells (one of the types of white blood cells) by stimulating the production of interferon-gamma (8).

Because Epitalon regulates melatonin production, you will definitely experience an improvement in your circadian rhythm, thus you will sleep deeper and better.

Peptide Epitalon also ensures the rejuvenation of aging skin fibroblasts by inhibiting the synthesis of MMP9 protein (9). This may result in better and smooth skin as well as an overall improved texture.

Although unclear, there is some evidence that suggests Epitalon’s potential effects on the effective and accelerated wound healing process.

Some shocking threads also suggest that Epitalon may possess massive curing capabilities against Retinitis Pigmentosa (10), a rare genetic disorder.

Last but not least, people using Epitalon experienced mild resistance against emotional stress as well. Importantly, their coping mechanism significantly improved.

Is Epitalon Legal?

This is a very important question and you might be misguided in it!

While Epitalon is not legal for humans to use as it is not FDA approved yet, it is allowed to use Epitalon as a potential research chemical.

Who Should Use Epitalon?

Anyone who wants to enjoy a longer life span by experiencing anti-aging effects should use Epitalon for sure!

If you are someone who doesn’t enjoy deep sleep at night and remains in a state of stress and want to get rid of it, then Epitalon is all for you!

Besides all this, Epitalon can trigger some additional minor benefits in you such as improving your skin outlook, accelerating your healing process, and enhancing your overall immune system. Therefore, if you are looking for any benefit listed above, go for Epithalon peptide straight away.

Forms of Epitalon

The good news is Epitalon peptide is available in many different forms. Thus all types of target audience is catered.

You can use the oral form of intake which is Epitalon capsules as per your dosage requirements.

Epitalon is also available in nasal spray form, therefore if you are comfortable with it, make your purchase now!

Perhaps the most famous and preferred form of intake is the injectable version. Most of the vendors sell the powdered form of Epitalon, which once it is prepared/reconstituted, can be administered into your body via different modes.

How to Use Epitalon?

Guidelines are pretty straightforward if you opt for the oral form of intake which is capsules or the nasal spray version.

But if you choose the powdered form, you will have to closely follow the guidelines printed onto the vial.

It will first need to be reconstituted with the bacteriostatic water and then be injected into the body. While the best way is to inject it subcutaneously which means under the skin (preferably the abdominal region), you can also inject it intramuscularly or intravenously.

Note that peptide therapies are usually administered via injectable ways because it allows the Epitalon to enter your bloodstream within no time. On the other hand, capsules and nasal sprays will have to travel all the way to your GIT for absorption. Most of the Epitalon will be destroyed on its way, decreasing the efficiency significantly.

Epitalon Dosage

A human clinical trial conducted suggests that subjects experienced significant changes as compared to the control group when the optimal dosage range of Epitalon was 5 to 10mg per day.

What I would suggest is that you start low at first, and then increase your dosage as your body gets accustomed to it!

If you are choosing a low dose initially, you can administer it all at once. However, if you are opting for a higher dose, I would suggest splitting it into 2 equal dosages and administering it one in the morning and the other at night.

Epitalon Cycle

This is a very critical question. Multiple studies suggest that the Epitalon cycle should only last somewhere between 2 to 3 weeks.

The maximal Epitalon cycle that you should repeat is two times per year. A break of 4 to 6 months is essentially required before you can start on your Epitalon cycle again.

Epitalon Stack

While not many studies are available that suggest potential peptides that can be stacked with Epitalon, one of the research chemicals Thymalin may do the job well.

Thymalin is exclusively related to managing your immune and endocrine systems. Thymalin enhances your immune functioning by stimulating the maturation of t cells by the Thymus. Besides, it upregulates the synthesis of many other peptide hormones.

Stacking Epitalon with Thymalin will not only strengthen your immune system synergistically but also cast strong anti-aging and antioxidant effects.

In one of the studies performed at the Petersburg Institute of bioregulation, female rats exposed to both the peptide stacked experienced a longer life span as compared to the control group.

While more studies need to be performed, the combo seems to work pretty fine synergistically at the moment!

Epitalon Reviews

It is important to know the personal experiences of people with the peptide Epitalon before one can start using it. So, here are some of the personal reviews of people who have used Epitalon in the past.

Rdlongview says on Amazon,

“Though I shouldn’t notice results of this product except a blood test after some months,

it seems to me that it’s working”

An anonymous person left a review saying,

“I honestly like it. Feels great.”

A Reddit user said,

“My wife has a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa and for this Epitalon is a miracle. Her field of view tests has improved by at least 50%. The protocol for RP treatment is 10ug/kg BW (Khavinson’s research) and we have followed this to the letter for 2 rounds of 30mg. She is currently on her 3 round. Other benefits are improved mood and energy, but nothing really noticeable in skin changes.”

A Reddit user named opemmindedchicagodoc said,

“I’ve seen sleep improve on a nightly basis with only 300mcg before bed.”

It likely seems that Epitalon generally lies on the good side of the picture and user experience is so far positive enough for potential users to make a decision on the Epitalon cycle!

Best Time To Take Epitalon

The ideal time to use Epitalon is 1 to 2 hours prior to your bedtime routine as it will promote a deep state of rest/sleep just in time.

Epitalon Side Effects

While this pineal gland extract doesn’t seem to trigger any adverse side effects in the body, some very mild forms of side effects include nausea.

You may also experience redness or swelling in your area of injection.

Epitalon Pricing

While the prices of Epitalon peptide may vary depending on the vendor/brand, the optimal price range of Epitalon is $50 to $150.

The minimum price range at Pure Rawz is $50.13 and the highest budget is $158.69. Besides, when you make a purchase from Pure Rawz, you will earn points that can compound over time into massive discounts.

Paradigm peptides will charge you relatively high at almost $115 per 50mg vial. You will have to see your budget before buying from Paradigm peptides here.

Epitalon vs. Other Compounds

Now let’s compare Epitalon with other similar compounds to help you make a more competitive decision!

Epitalon vs Thymalin

Thymalin is a peptide made up of 2 Amino acids. As a bioregulator, it is exclusively found in the Thymic gland and upregulates the synthesis of white blood cells (t cells). This enhances the overall immune functioning.

Not only this, but Thymalin also seems to offer some additional benefits, such as improved cardiovascular performance and efficient nervous control.

While Epitalon also affects the immune systems of the body, it also acts as an anti-aging agent which is something that Thymalin lacks.

Epitalon vs Melatonin

Melatonin secretion is quite similar to Epitalon as both are pineal gland peptides.

Melatonin is primarily a regulator of circadian rhythms. As mentioned earlier, Epitalon triggers the release of Melatonin so that one can experience a state of deep rest and sleep.

But that’s the only role of Melatonin while Epitalon adds a lot in the basket!

Is Epitalon Legit?


Epitalon seems very much legit.

Epitalon works at the DNA level and lengthens your life span in very organic ways.

The human, as well as animal-based clinical trials, supports the anti-aging benefits of Epitalon. With the current research going on Epitalon, more people have started to know about it, and use this peptide to look young and add a whole new fresh, and classy outlook.

Does Epitalon Make You Look Younger?

Yes! It does make you look younger as it stimulates the telomerase activity which triggers telomere elongation. Thus, your DNA is protected and you live longer.

Is Epitalon Good For Your Hair?

There is not much scientific evidence suggesting any prospective benefits of Epitalon on hair growth.

Does Epitalon Really Work?

Epitalon for sure works! The human and animal-based clinical trials show that subjects have experienced benefits like longer life span, antioxidant effects, and timely circadian rhythms.

Is Epitalon Safe?

Research on Epitalon suggests that it doesn’t trigger any adverse side effects when taken in the optimal dosage range. But, make sure that you don’t overdose!

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