Chris Hemsworth Gives Harsh Review to His Performance in ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’


Chris Hemsworth issued himself a scathing review for his performance in Thor: Love and Thunder in a new profile in Vanity Fair.

Taika Waititi’s Thor sequel somewhat underperformed in North America when it was released in July 2022, grossing $343 million domestically. It received lukewarm-to-positive reviews, but many fans and critics disagreed with the movie’s tone, which they felt played up the comedy to an unnecessary degree.

Speaking to VF, Hemsworth shared the same feelings about his performance in the tentpole. “I got caught up in the improv and the wackiness,” he admitted, “and I became a parody of myself. I didn’t stick the landing.”

This isn’t the first time Hemsworth has spoken about his disappointment with Love and Thunder. Last year, he told British GQ that he believes the movie doesn’t work because it’s “too silly.”

“I think we just had too much fun,” Hemsworth said of the shoot. “It’s always hard being in the center of it and having any real perspective…I love the process, it’s always a ride. But you just don’t know how people are going to respond.”

Elsewhere in his VF profile, Hemsworth seemed to hint that he’s been less than satisfied with his film work in the past. Implying that working on Netflix’s Extraction franchise was “suffering without a purpose,” Hemsworth said he’s recently come to peace with his career not being where he wants it to be.

“You’re sort of just running on fumes,” Hemsworth explained, “and then you’re showing up to something with little in the tank and you start to pick things apart: Why am I doing this film? Why isn’t this script better? Why didn’t that director call me for that or why didn’t I get considered for this role? Why don’t I get the call-up from Scorsese or Tarantino? I had begun to take it all too serious and too personal.”

But Hemsworth is extremely proud of his work in George Miller’s upcoming Mad Max: Fury Road prequel, Furiosa, due in cinemas on May 24. His experience working on that film gave him an opportunity to flex some acting muscles, which reignited his love of the game.

“As soon as I got to [Furiosa] rehearsals, everything lifted,” he said. ” I just got reinvigorated. Suffering without a purpose is awful. Suffering with purpose can be rejuvenating and replenishing. I’d grown so tired of myself, and now I had to lose myself in a character.”

You can read Hemsworth’s full Vanity Fair profile here, and check out a trailer for Furiosa below.

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